Publish Your Work With Us

We, In Light of Law invites the Academicians, Research Scholars, Lawyers, Law Students or Anyone with an interest in the field of law to submit their articles and blog posts on any legal subjects or contemporary issues.


Submission Categories

  • Articles related to Law,
  • Opinion on contemporary legal issues,
  • Law subject notes,
  • Case comments,
  • Book Reviews,

For publishing internship experience, visit this page.



please follow the following guidelines before submission:

1.       The post must be:

A.      Original,

B.      well researched,

C.      Easy to understand,

D.      Must not be a promotional in nature,


2.       All works must be original and unpublished, and must not be in consideration for publishing elsewhere.

3.       Up to 2 authors are allowed for all categories of submissions.

4.       Use only authentic sources for your research and avoid Plagiarism.

5.       The Authors will be solely responsible for any dispute arising out of published work including copyright, defamation, objectionable content or contempt and agree to suffer the loss, if any, caused by violating copyright or any other rights.



Other Things you have to keep in Mind

1.       Proper use of headings and subheadings,

A.      Headings: Font Size 16, BOLD,

B.      Sub Headings: Font Size 14, BOLD ITALIC.


2.       There should be one line gap spacing after the paragraph,

3.       Font: Times New Roman,

4.       Size 12,

5.       Must use hyperlinks or end notes. All relevant sources shall be duly acknowledged in the post itself.



You can submit your work through this Google Form. We request you to follow all the mentioned guidelines while publishing your work with us.


For More Details, Contact

For any queries, write to us at with the subject line: ‘Query regarding publication of post.



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