Promotional Post: Online Certificate Course on Indian Evidence Act, 1872: Register Now !!!!!


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Details Of The Course

Course Starts from

1st September 2023


·         Live Classes

·         Classes will take place in evening only

·         Recorded lectures

·         Resource Person: Adv. Ishaan Garg, B.B.A.LL.B(Hons.), LLM. 

·         Certificate of participation for all

·         Discounts in other online courses for all etc.



1. Introduction, Jurisprudential and Constitutional essence of Indian Evidence Act, Purpose of Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Relevancy, Relevant Facts, Fact in Issue,

2. Legal Relevancy, Logical Relevancy

3. Admissibility of Evidence

4. Documentary Evidence

5. Primary Evidence, Secondary Evidence, Hearsay Evidence

6. Exclusion of Hearsay, Direct evidence, indirect evidence, etc

7. Powers under S.165 IEA

8. Interplay of S.165 IEA and S.311 Criminal Procedure Code, 1973

9. Examination of Accused, Examination of witnesses, Examination of Parties

10. How as a lawyer one should examine/cross examine/when to ask leading question, etc



Fee: 2999 INR. Click here to register.

Make payment at: 8800386163@paytm



In case of any queries: WhatsApp on 8130773086 (Anmol)


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