The judiciary plays a vital role in our society, upholding
the law and safeguarding citizens' rights. If you're aspiring to pursue a
career in the judiciary, having access to the best and latest resources is
We've gathered a selection of some of the finest judiciary
books to aid you in your journey. Whether you're a student preparing for
judiciary exams or a legal professional seeking to expand your knowledge,
you're welcome to explore our carefully chosen books. We're confident you'll
discover the resources you need to not only succeed but thrive in your pursuit
of legal expertise and excellence.
Important Instructions
You don't need to purchase all of these books.
Buy one for prelims and one for mains, that's it. Still confused? Drop us a message, and we'll do our best to help you.
Wondering why purchase from here? The simple
answer is that this is a scattered market. We bring the best and latest items
to one place for you.
3. Are we missing something? Please drop a comment and we’ll add it as soon as possible.
Note: A list of specific subject books, including
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Corporate Law, Cyber Law,
International Law, and other subjects, with reviews and comments, will be
uploaded soon.
List of Books
For Prelims Preparation
1. Singhal
Law Publications, Chapter-Wise & Topic-Wise Mcqs, Set Of 4 Books, Edition
2. Singhal's
Solved Paper For Judicial Service Edition 2023
3. Pariksha
Manthan, A Compendium of MCQS for Judiciary By Samarth Agrawal, Edition 2023
For Mains Prep
1. Singhal
Law Publications, Mains, All States Unsolved Papers
2. Pariksha
Manthan, Samarth Agrawal, Judiciary Mains, Set of 3 Books
Other Important Books
Essay Writing, [Nibandh Lekhan] for
Judicial Services Mains Exam by AP Solanki, 2023
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